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Holistic Nutrition Defined

Holistic Nutrition Defined In accordance to the dictionary: a. Putting an emphasis on the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its components. b. Concerned with whole rather than analysis or separation into parts. Holistic is a term put into use to describe remedies that attempt to care for the individual as a whole [...]

2018-01-07T22:30:34-08:00January 15th, 2012|Definitions|Comments Off on Holistic Nutrition Defined

Parasites!? Do I have them?

Webster describes parasites "as an organism that lives off other organisms." Parasites are just a part of life; all life, rather animal or man and we all have them. They've been around since the beginning of time and are brilliant, though they must be addressed in order for us to truly heal ourselves. Experts say [...]

2018-01-07T22:30:34-08:00April 4th, 2011|Definitions, Parasites, Supplements|Comments Off on Parasites!? Do I have them?
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