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Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Hawthorne has been used by European Herbalists since the seventeenth century for a digestive aid for the consumption of flesh foods - meats, and rich foods as well, along with being a potent activator for the circulatory system; thereby lowering blood pressure during exertion, strengthening the heart muscle and improving blood flow to the heart [...]

2019-07-18T19:39:30-07:00July 18th, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Sugar – not so sweet

On average its estimated that American's consume over 260 pounds of sugar per year. Most of the excess sugar is stored as fat, which elevates cancer risk and can suppress your immune function. When people were given sugar, their white blood cell count decreased significantly for several hours afterwards. this included sugar cane, fructose, glucose, [...]

2018-01-07T22:30:33-08:00February 14th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Sugar – not so sweet

Weekend Vegetarian

Vegetarians generally suffer fewer degenerative diseases and cancers than their carnivore cousins. It’s been estimated that a third of all cancer patients developed their disease as a result of insufficient whole plant fiber in their diets. However, you don’t have to give up meat entirely to enjoy longevity - limiting your intake or eating meat [...]

2016-09-16T18:55:00-07:00September 16th, 2016|Health Tips, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Weekend Vegetarian
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