I speak to almost everyone I work with regarding massage therapy, as Western medicine focuses so intensely on the blood that patients often know little about lymph, another vital bodily fluid. Lymph is a clear liquid that drains impurities and cell waste for elimination. The fluid runs in the space between cells, but has no “pump” corresponding to the heart, its flow is dependent on the motion or movement of the body and muscles throughout the day. When lymph stagnates it can produce edema (swelling) or allow toxins to accumulate. A special kind of massage is designed to get this system moving again. The massage therapist applies gentle intermittent pressure to the lymph channels, working from the extremities toward the heart, the reverse of the direction in deep tissue massage. Lymph massage is especially important to invalids, because they may stay motionless for long periods of time, but it is beneficial for everyone who seeks long life. Many types of massage therapists are also trained to work on the lymph system; so be sure to ask them.