Webster describes parasites “as an organism that lives off other organisms.” Parasites are just a part of life; all life, rather animal or man and we all have them. They’ve been around since the beginning of time and are brilliant, though they must be addressed in order for us to truly heal ourselves. Experts say that over 6 billion of us have them, but mostly these are the good parasites. Though in this article and in my office I address the “not so good parasites.” The ones that enter our bodies in various ways and cause innumerable unseemly health symptoms.
We can harbor them, nourish and support up to 1-2 lbs of parasites for years without even knowing it; and the entire time they are feeding off of our tissues, wearing us down. They can enter our bodies in many ways, as I address further on. This article will give you a good overview of parasites, and thus something you may need to look into, actually I think everyone should at some point, rather we think we are healthy or not. I work with hundreds of people every month who have them, as they have been dealing with health issues for sometimes years, that appear totally unrelated to bugs. For instance, if you have bowel issues, chances are even better that you have parasites living inside of you that are happy to be there, slowly cannibalizing your system, making you sick with all kinds of unapparent health symptoms. Could this be why so many people are so tired all the time? Despite all of the differences in health issues, and various stories as to how people got to where they are today; one of the most common complaints I often hear is “Why am I so tired all the time?!”
I take parasites extremely serious in my practice and I use many modalities to rid them from the body. You must first find them, prepare the body for eradication, then rebuild your body, as its likely been ravished for a very long time.
Also does this sound familiar? Do you have health issues that you can’t seem to find the cause? Have you been told that “your blood work looks just fine,” so be happy? Do you take hoards of vitamins, get enough sleep (or maybe you can’t sleep), yet your exhausted? Does your body ache? Are your cycles irregular, have headaches, sleep issues, tired in the afternoon, migraines, skin irruptions, yeast overgrowth, food allergies, irritable, moody, impatient, sad, melancholy, or depressed, and you can’t find out why, despite your best efforts and hard earned money; because once again ” your blood tests look fine?” I hear this everyday, and find parasites in these clients everyday too!
Most parasites can live in any gland or organ in the body by traveling in our blood. They can come from unwashed fruit or vegetables, meat, dairy, sushi, under cooked meat, public restaurants, our homes, and our domestic animals. Are you a gardener? Well there you go.
So the most important thing is to make sure IF you have them, how to rid your body of them properly and then heal your body once they are gone. But remember… they are always entering the body either through food or even airborne, so the key is to enhance your immune system to rid them as soon as they enter! Our bodies are meant to do that, so never underestimate your body. Be kind and gentle to yourself through the cleansing process please.
Rid your body of toxins, pollutants, and parasites to allow your body to naturally regenerate itself back to vibrant health, but again do it with the assistance of a professional, and remember the building blocks to an effective parasite cleansing program should always include the removal of the waste in the colon. If the colon is not functioning optimally, poor digestion will always culminate with toxic waste materials in the bowels. The intestinal track functions as both the nutrient absorption and the waste removal system of the body. It is a dysfunctional colon, coupled with the presence of toxic waste in the bowels, that generally forms the breeding grounds for most of the common parasitical infestations that we humans (and our pets) suffer from. This toxic waste creates the environment in which intestinal parasites thrive and propagate.The re-absorption of your own bowel toxins is possibly responsible for many of the chronic symptoms that people complain of. Unfortunately the condition of a dysfunctional bodily waste removal system is one the the most prevalent conditions in modern society.
So, how are your bowels? I do believe that most health issues stem from toxic bowels. Over the years I’ve realized that most people think that one bowel movement a day or every other day is okay and normal, when in fact this is constipation! If three meals go in, three should go out. If you have bowel issues there’s the prevalence of parasites within your body. Most people recognize that parasites exist in developing countries, but few realize that the parasitic epidemic is also here in North America.
So in conclusion: if you are a sushi eater, have an pet, don’t wash your food properly before eating, travel outside the U.S. including Mexico, work in your yard; chances are better then not – you need to be checked for bugs. Face it – we all should!
With this said… cleanse wisely!
I wish you an abundance of holistic health!