Holistic Nutritionist defined…
Websters Dictionary describes “Holistic” as that which emphasizes the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts. In this way, a holistic nutritionist considers the entire body, mind and soul, when analyzing a persons health. Through my years of my own life/health experiences, as well as my education I’ve learned that there is much more happening with an individuals physical symptoms then meets the eye, so to speak. As a holistic nutritionist, I take into account all that a client wishes to share with me during our sessions. I realize that each person’s health, or lack thereof, is not just from lack of a healthy diet alone, but from their entire life style as well, including, but not limited to diet – beginning from even before conception, to thought patterns, self talk, habits, sleep patterns, and so much more. I would imagine that you know this to be true at some level, thus your reason for reading this article. To conclude, as a holistic nutritionist, I believe that once we begin to understand how important it is to think of our health in a more holistic way, we can truly begin to not only cure ourselves, but heal ourselves as well.
I wish you an abundance of holistic health!
(Cure looks at what sort of disease a person has; healing looks at what sort of person has the disease—derived from Hippocrates. Cure categorizes; healing individualizes. Cure addresses disease; healing addresses illness.)