Astragalus has been used in Asia for more than 3,000 years to strengthen vitality and prevent illness, especially colds and flu. It has been found to stimulate the body’s own production of interferon, a powerful immune protein that increases your ability to fight infectious disease. It can also restore healthy immune function despite physical, chemical or radiation damage. Cancer patients taking Astragalus during chemotherapy and radiation treatments tend to have far fewer side effects and recover at a faster rate. This herb is also beneficial for the skin and fast wound healing. You may want to add this to your natural anti aging regimen to increase longevity of your cells and it has no known toxicity.
Not Just to Prevent Flu….
Tammy Fish2016-09-16T19:00:42-07:00April 22nd, 2015|Health Tips|Comments Off on Not Just to Prevent Flu….